Kopparberg at War

We humbly present to you our blog, to even have you here is a great pleasure for us, no matter what your intentions are as long as they're positive.

Here we'll not only bring you information about upcoming videos, what we're working with, etc etc, but also discuss important matters tied to the internet.

Kopparberg is at war again...

lördag 20 mars 2010


Hello, time for us to start printing our posters. I'm so proud of what we've done in so little time. Today we'll just test print one, but we'll show you the result later.

It really feels that in the last couple of days we've been able to reach out to even more people across the world. That's really helpful for us, a greater fanbase, and hope to achieve that through the internet rather than local contacts to become a more international business. I love it when Kopparberg at War is growing, and it seems to be happening in good rhythm with the spring!

In other words, I love spring as well, it's the first sign of summer in my opinion, and summer is absolutely fantastic. This summer will be particularly special, considering all the things that'll happen.

Remember to stay updated!

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