Salvation är ett stycke post-apokalyptisk fiktion som producerats utav Kopparberg at War, manus och regi utav Linus Eriksson och Anna Liss, skådespel utav bl.a. Rasmus Eriksson, Jonatan Ersarp, Ruben Fältström, Johan Fredriksson, Joel Lundqvist. Salvation är filmad i Kopparberg och områdena runt om och är ett projekt som planerats i ungefär sex månader innan första inspelningsdag.
Salvation kommer ha premiär den tredje juli 2010 uppe vid Kyrkbacksskolan i Kopparberg i samband med att Kulturglimtar hålls i Ljusnarsberg.
Stämningen i Salvation
Tänk dig öde landskap, öde byggnader, övergivna lägenheter, villor och hus. Tänk dig okontrollerad växtlighet, tomma gator och plundrade skyltfönster. Tänk dig nätter som brinner av strid och dagar då svält och en grå, framtidslös ton regerar. Tänk dig viljan att överleva, trots saknaden av saker att leva för. Tänk dig att veta att det aldrig kommer skrivas en ny bok, göras en ny film, målas en ny, känd tavla, men ändå ha viljan att återbefolka spillrorna. Tänk dig asätarna, de som lever på resterna av andra människor, de som girigt tar allt de kan hitta bland spillrorna, konserver, mestadels. Tänk dig att ständigt leva under hot från svält, andra i din position som vill komma åt allt du äger och andra makter som ser dig som ett hot mot framtiden p.g.a. smittan som de antar att du bär.
Handlingen i Salvation
Viruset var otroligt dödligt, det sades dock att det inte var resistent mot kyla och kunde inte överleva långt upp i norr. De som hade råd lämnade världen och flydde uppåt och befolkade Arktis, Sibirien, Grönland, Kanada, Alaska. Men där världen stod och trängdes så muterade viruset och spred sig snabbare än någonsin förut bland de rika, de som överlevde var de som nu lämnats kvar. De fattiga hade visserligen dålig hygien och brist på mat, men de fick ej heller några infekterade varor och de var inte nära andra människor som kunde smitta. Vår berättelse börjar med att vår protagonist, Bengt, som är före detta polis, försöker överleva så humant som möjligt i Kopparberg. Hans hopp om ett humant liv blir snart krossat då GID (vår antagonist), en organisation som ser sig själva som en form av supermänniskor, spränger sönder hans hus i ett hopp om rota ut de som de ser som smittade.
Bengt blir snart rekryterad utav ett lokalt gäng som tillsammans planerar räder mot GID för att kunna få deras vapen och proviant, räderna är oftast mer eller mindre lyckade tills de jagas iväg av något högteknologiskt som GID lyckats undanvara för de fem som gänget nu består av. GID var en organisation som startades vid pandemins start för att hjälpa de utsatta, efter en stund så ändrades deras politik drastiskt och de förändrades till en grupp av vansinniga fanatiker med obegränsade militära resurser för att nå deras mål, utrotandet av alla som inte bär deras färger där deras taktik är att om man tvekar så är personen i fråga smittad och bör avlivas, bara för att vara på den säkra sidan.
söndag 30 maj 2010
söndag 18 april 2010
School > Ethical Treatment
Well, what to say? The school that I'm attending to has the last week been assuring that they've done "what's best for us". One of our teachers had decided to quit for something else for a while, we were informed about this a week before it actually happened. The headmaster had known about it for two months actually. But that's not the problem, not yet. Suddenly they have decided to move our lesson to Friday afternoon, which would result in having to remain there in two hours more than necessary (huhuhu, nobraingayrevengestuff). So that's where we started to react, our class decided to go speak to this particular headmaster, whereas he constantly stated that there was no other solution. We weren't happy.
The headheadmaster (huhuhu, prepubertyvoice), told us the same. He also told us that they had done what's best for us. What's best for us? He really thought that we can't decide what's best for us ourselves, so he thought he didn't even have to discuss it with us (huhuhu, faggoteerageism). What he also mentioned was that they had explored every single, possible solution. One of our arguments was that we had scheduled activities after school at regular time, but he told us that we should be prepared for this kind of changes. But how the hell can one be prepared for it when no one had warned us, but he waved it away, apparently it wasn't important for us to know (huhuhu, rearendthinking). The suddenly, into his office rushed good news, there was apparently another solution, one that we actually agreed on.
A very interesting position for Lindeskolan, they claim they do anything for our best, but very apparently, they do nothing unless it suits them best. What else could we had expected from these people though?
tisdag 13 april 2010
Hello everyone! We've recently been building up a greenscreen. We've also decided the day for our first recording of Salvation, Friday in three weeks, that is the seventh of May, a bit too late, but the snow hasn't allowed us to do it earlier. In a week we'll also go to Stockholm. We'll shoot some from there and try to get the camera in on the Adobe event we're going to. You'll also be able to expect some BTS coming up and also a lot of pictures from the upcoming events.
Also I'm listening to some new stuff, like Nine Inch Nails and Ayreon in addition to the usual. I find it really good, actually. Probably I like Ayreon mostly because of the fact they have the same vocalist as Blind Guardian, Hansi Kürsch, would like to go to their concert in Gothenburg this autumn, but it's still a long time till then, could get tickets at any time. Would also like to go to Sabaton at Falun, maybe we just will? But who knows!
söndag 28 mars 2010
Oh I wonder...
Anno 2004, things are pretty okay in Kopparberg, everyone lives on as usual in the little community. But it was soon going to be affected by some heavy attention, Opera På Skäret was its name. As you understand from the name, they built an opera house. Sure, Kopparberg was in dire need of some attention, but from where do you suddenly get the idea to build an opera house in Kopparberg? Firstly, it was some terribly spent money. There is hardly anything to do in Kopparberg and the youth culture is crying for a sign of the slightest care. But as usual in a country like Sweden, the money was given to old people that naught cared for any the youth, but only their own cultural consummation.
You might think I'm talking straight from my ass, but that's not the fact, I assure you. It all started about hundred years ago, with the liberal primeminister Karl Staaf who created the pension, instead of investing in the defense. And that was some daredevil move by him, considering the First World War that was ongoing to the left and right of us. But that's at least how the ageism started. Old people here in Sweden really hate young people and always refer to them as "those younglings". Sure, I bet that's how it is in every country, but here it's extreme. As soon as they get a chance, they talk down on us remorselessly. We tackle it with a laughter, but the fact is that those people are the ones that'll get a say if anyone ever asks them what should change, not the youth. Not the generation that will soon take over.
But back to Opera På Skäret. Which in my opinion was an investment that no young person would have any use of for the closest years. And when people speak about investing in the youth here in Sweden, they speak about meeting houses in which they put 12-16 year olds so that they can stay busy for a while and feel "communion". I say grow up, Sweden. We live in a state (not nation, because a nation needs community) where people turn dead silent as soon as another person walks into the same room and only passes whispers to one other. This country is so badly desocialised that there is no hope for it. Take Finland for example, one starts to speak and even complete strangers could answer, no silence there, no. And I really look up to that, I really wish there was more of that communion here in Sweden. But there isn't, so I wonder why people try to house the youth.
Because really, if it's impossible to feel solidarity and community with others, then there is no reason in investing there. I say, invest in things that will promote the individual, so that everyone can feel inspirational and creative on her own instead of feeling dependant and having to rely on others. The same with tasks in school, why would I want to be put in a group with other people when I can choose for myself whether I'd like to do it on my own or if I'd like to choose my own partner. It's terrible having to rely on someone you don't entirely know, making it stressing and negative in every possible way.
The school also seems more and more "old-friendly" to me for each day that passes. Take the other day for example, it was pure censorship, when we found out that the school has got access to every students email. And that we had to find out on our own, not by a public announcement.
söndag 21 mars 2010
For the love of GOD! SNOW?!
Hello, who'd had thought, more snow! That's stupid! Well, a minor setback for the making of "Salvation", but merely a minor one. Kopparberg at War will soon show results in form of BTS clips. We just printed out some of our posters and will turn them in to Kulturglimtar (who actually just warned us to not create anything offending, which quite offended me. I mean, they put the mark of racist, skinheaded bastards upon us. That's not acceptable, those prejudices are wrong, probably Lindeskolan's fault) so that they have something nice to look at for once. You can see the results of our printing on the picture. We'll soon print some more, and get some that's even twice that size, it's good to have resources!
Thought I could introduce some of my editing tools. This is the full list of the tools that I've learned to know:
Sony Vegas Pro 9
After Effects CS4
Photoshop CS4
Sound Forge 10
How pro, don't you think?
lördag 20 mars 2010
Internet Censorship - No Thanks
Sex, violence and bad language are all a part of life. The previous generation was exposed to all of the above, and they still turned out well, so what's the issue? If no one is ever exposed to anything like that, they won’t be able to deal with life later on. I'm 16, I've been exposed to all that and my reaction is not as people might think. The presence of violence and the likes is always going to be all around us and that’s a fact, that’s what attracts interest among the people and it can’t be prohibited. The Kopparberg At War videos or YouTube videos in general are no worse offenders than any other media giants. If you think about it, do our videos make that much sense? It’s not like our fictional characters are killing anyone for real, it’s not like it’s anything else than fictional.
Certain words in a video or one event in a video are ridiculous targets. Anyone can speak their minds, everyone can make a joke now and then, it’s not like people put any great weight on it. We’re actually doing the same, but on tape. And if people will press repeat over and over again, of course it will sound as if that certain joke is serious, offensive, inappropriate, terrible, etc. But here is a little advice, if people would just let it pass by. A harmless joke perhaps just is a harmless joke?
People get smarter and smarter, we get more independent and we learn to become more sceptical to what we see. The past generation could sit down and watch the telly and get all kind of shit pushed into their brains, now people can surf on the internet and check different sources and learn the truth. And contrary to popular belief, your children can’t be kidnapped through the internet. And if anything, it should be the parents’ responsibility to monitor their own children’s behaviour and what they watch. But one should keep in mind that shielding them off completely won’t take them anywhere in this fast evolution that we’re facing. The nature of the internet is to be a forum for the exchange of ideas and information. To limit that remove many positive aspects of the internet as a whole. If people are afraid of their kids seeing something they don't want them to on the internet, implementing some control on their own computer (software that's widely available for free) should be the suggested solution instead of attempting to change the internet.
American television has an endless amount of "content guidelines" that are supposed to protect kids, but end up being laughable. Much of what we’re showing and much of what we’re saying would have been censored in the U.S. and it’s rather silly, they censor small things, very small things at times, but still they do it. Things like jokes about politicians and the likes, and what kind of a society is that? Where fear controls humour? Can we really imagine that here? We’re soon the generation that’ll reign here and most sure will the mainstream of our believes and views take charge of this planet rather than the past generation’s. And I think everyone should be rather careful, more and more laws start to push the limits of our freedom.
Internet censorship bills are currently working their way into law in the UK, Australia and the U.S. legislate for government powers to restrict and filter any website that it deems to be undesirable for public consumption. What about freedom of speech? And free access to information?
Hello, time for us to start printing our posters. I'm so proud of what we've done in so little time. Today we'll just test print one, but we'll show you the result later.
It really feels that in the last couple of days we've been able to reach out to even more people across the world. That's really helpful for us, a greater fanbase, and hope to achieve that through the internet rather than local contacts to become a more international business. I love it when Kopparberg at War is growing, and it seems to be happening in good rhythm with the spring!
In other words, I love spring as well, it's the first sign of summer in my opinion, and summer is absolutely fantastic. This summer will be particularly special, considering all the things that'll happen.
Remember to stay updated!
fredag 19 mars 2010
Welcome to the Blog
Hello everyone, this is the KAW-crew. Lots of things happening right now, we'll even manage it all just for you, our beloved fanbase! Here we'll write everything that's too long for a status update on Facebook or Twitter. But this blog will be tied to the two others so that you'll know when something new is posted.
Linus Eriksson,
Co-Founder of KAW
Linus Eriksson,
Co-Founder of KAW
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