Kopparberg at War

We humbly present to you our blog, to even have you here is a great pleasure for us, no matter what your intentions are as long as they're positive.

Here we'll not only bring you information about upcoming videos, what we're working with, etc etc, but also discuss important matters tied to the internet.

Kopparberg is at war again...

lördag 20 mars 2010

Internet Censorship - No Thanks

Sex, violence and bad language are all a part of life. The previous generation was exposed to all of the above, and they still turned out well, so what's the issue? If no one is ever exposed to anything like that, they won’t be able to deal with life later on. I'm 16, I've been exposed to all that and my reaction is not as people might think. The presence of violence and the likes is always going to be all around us and that’s a fact, that’s what attracts interest among the people and it can’t be prohibited. The Kopparberg At War videos or YouTube videos in general are no worse offenders than any other media giants. If you think about it, do our videos make that much sense? It’s not like our fictional characters are killing anyone for real, it’s not like it’s anything else than fictional.

Certain words in a video or one event in a video are ridiculous targets. Anyone can speak their minds, everyone can make a joke now and then, it’s not like people put any great weight on it. We’re actually doing the same, but on tape. And if people will press repeat over and over again, of course it will sound as if that certain joke is serious, offensive, inappropriate, terrible, etc. But here is a little advice, if people would just let it pass by. A harmless joke perhaps just is a harmless joke?

People get smarter and smarter, we get more independent and we learn to become more sceptical to what we see. The past generation could sit down and watch the telly and get all kind of shit pushed into their brains, now people can surf on the internet and check different sources and learn the truth. And contrary to popular belief, your children can’t be kidnapped through the internet. And if anything, it should be the parents’ responsibility to monitor their own children’s behaviour and what they watch. But one should keep in mind that shielding them off completely won’t take them anywhere in this fast evolution that we’re facing. The nature of the internet is to be a forum for the exchange of ideas and information. To limit that remove many positive aspects of the internet as a whole. If people are afraid of their kids seeing something they don't want them to on the internet, implementing some control on their own computer (software that's widely available for free) should be the suggested solution instead of attempting to change the internet.

American television has an endless amount of "content guidelines" that are supposed to protect kids, but end up being laughable. Much of what we’re showing and much of what we’re saying would have been censored in the U.S. and it’s rather silly, they censor small things, very small things at times, but still they do it. Things like jokes about politicians and the likes, and what kind of a society is that? Where fear controls humour? Can we really imagine that here? We’re soon the generation that’ll reign here and most sure will the mainstream of our believes and views take charge of this planet rather than the past generation’s. And I think everyone should be rather careful, more and more laws start to push the limits of our freedom.

Internet censorship bills are currently working their way into law in the UK, Australia and the U.S. legislate for government powers to restrict and filter any website that it deems to be undesirable for public consumption. What about freedom of speech? And free access to information?

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